Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh, to be nothing, nothing ...

Oh, to be nothing, nothing,
Only to lie at His feet,
A broken and emptied vessel,
For the Master’s use made meet.
Emptied that He might fill me
As forth to His service I go;
Broken, that so unhindered,
His life through me might show.
Oh, to be nothing, nothing,
Painful the humbling may be,
Yet low in the dust I’d lay me
That the world might my Savior see.
Rather be nothing, nothing,
To Him let our voices be raised,
He is the Fountain of blessing,
He only is meet to be praised.

by Georgiana M. Taylor, 1869

Saturday, March 20, 2010


"The Lord is on my side ..."  Psalm 118:6

What am I without the Lord on my side?
Surely, I am nothing, for without the Lord on my side, the Lord with me, the Lord for me, I am left to myself and by myself, I am sinful and therefore nothing.
How insignificant is the mightiest of men and all the great things he might do, if he is without the Lord, for without the Lord, he and all he does, no matter how great, are as nothing.
How foolish am I to envy such men, for in my wanting, my desiring, and my longing to be as such, I make myself as nothing.
How is it that the Lord has come to be on my side?
Surely, it is not that He has brought me His side, but that He has condescended in love to come and take my flesh, my living, my sin, my death, and yea, take my side – for me.
Surely this is Jesus Christ, “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Phil 2:6-8.

Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain
Free to all, a healing stream.