Friday, April 27, 2012

You, Your sin - in Light of the Gospel Now or Later

Many consider and judge their sins and sinfulness, in light of their own individual consciences. As such, they tend to believe them to be manageable.

But what is such a person, or any person to consider and judge if they and their sins are set in the light of, not God’s Law, but of the Holy Gospel in Jesus Christ?
When seen and considered in light of God’s holiness in Jesus, do we and our sins become rightly unmanageable and frightful?
When set into the light of God’s infinite love for you in Jesus Christ, do we and our sins rightly become awful and loathsome?
How shall anyone stand when the Gospel reveals all our sins, those known to others and those we keep secret to ourselves?
What an awful day it shall be when all our secrets sins shall be judged and every hidden shame revealed.
Your life and mine are filled with secret sins, sins we attempt to manage by our own conscience, cleverness and coverings.
Will you leave these sins and your sinfulness to be judged by the Gospel on the last day when no plea shall be heard?
Or will you in this present day bring them into the light, as Christ, who is the Gospel, is in the light so the blood of Christ may purify you from them all? (1Jn 1:7).
It is for you to daily choose.
The judgment of the Gospel in this present day is nothing other than repentance and the forgiveness of sins.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 Jn 1:9