Friday, May 15, 2015

Faith's regard always makes the difference between the Abel and a Cain.

"And the LORD had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard." Genesis 4:4-5 

When Abel and Cain both participated in the same form of worship and one’s worship was acceptable to the Lord and the other’s was not. How was it possible for both to participate in the same worship and yet the Lord had regard for Abel’s worship and none for Cain’s? The difference was found in the heart, i.e. the faith with which each brought themselves and their offering in worship. One with a heart relationship to his earthly blessings for the Lord and the other with a relationship to his earthly blessings for himself. One with a faith relationship in the Lord; the other with a faith relationship in the earthly things about him. One living according to his relationship to the Lord; the other living according to his relationship to the earthly. One living by the eternal; the other by the temporal.
How the Lord made known His regard to Abel, we do not know for sure, but in light of the fact that the Lord spoke with Cain about it, it is well to believe that the Lord spoke His blessing upon Abel. The Lord’s affirmation to Abel was a clear sign of God’s grace and affirmation toward him. Surely, Abel responded with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, Who had looked upon his imperfect and sin tainted offering with grace saturated approval.
It was over the Lord’s grace given approval that the first conflict and violence in the world began. It is little wonder that such conflict and violence yet endures over God’s Word of grace and the life and living it gives and works in all who believe aright. It does explains why so many look for the assurance of the Lord’s grace and regard in anything other than His Word … and like Cain run sin-blind from their sin to the calamity of more sin and deeper into their self-created chaos. How many like Cain, sadly and foolishly believe that their sin, their situation, is beyond the want and reach of God in His mercy and grace? Such belief is the ultimate blasphemy, for it is to believe that we and our sin are mightier, greater and more powerful than God Himself.
Our sin is and will always be TOO MUCH … for us both before and after our baptism. As the blood of Abel cried out to God against Cain, so also our sinful blood cries out to God against us. Our loving God knew this and sent His Son to be MUCH MORE than us, our sin, our conflicts and our end through His Cross and resurrection. When Christ said “It is finished!”, these are Words of regard for us all, for they assure us that our Savior’s offering of Himself, is so MUCH MORE for us … than us, our sin, our experiences and MORE than enough for us in the face of God’s wrath against us for our sin. His resurrection assures us that our Savior is so MUCH MORE than even death for us so that even in this fallen world, we might have the regard and favor of God Himself. Now does the blood of Christ given and shed for you … cry out to God for you according to His testament. Now by His grace and regard, you are made to be much more as one born again in the waters of Baptism. Having been born against with a new and a clean heart, each believer is free through faith to worship the Lord and receive His regard in Jesus Christ.
Our living, worship, offerings and our service in Christ’s Kingdom are always a confession of our regard for Him and His blessings. It is faith's regard that always makes the difference between the Abel and a Cain, between the Church of Christ and a church of people, possessions and personal preference.

- pmwl  

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