Friday, April 3, 2009


Pursue the course of living out the faith that God has given and you have confessed. This is way of God must be attended to with seriousness and diligence. We say with Luther: ”Therefore it false and not to be permitted if one would preach or teach thus: ‘Although you do not keep the commandments nor love God and your neighbor, yes, though you be an adulterer, -- that will not harm you. If you only believe you will be saved.’ No, my dear sir, you are mistaken; you will not possess the kingdom of heaven. For here it is written in concise and conclusive words: ‘the works of the flesh are manifest . . .; of which I tell you before, as I have told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.’”1
“Oh, it is a living, busy, active, powerful thing that we have in faith, so that it is impossible for it not to do good without ceasing. Nor does it ask whether good works are to be done; but before the question is asked, it has wrought them and is always engaged in doing them.”
In justification, faith receives, in sanctification (living according to faith) faith works. The two are one organ. It is the same lung which breathes in the air that breaths out the air that makes speech. And just as we need always first to breath in order to be able to speak, so we always need first to receive forgiveness in order to produce good works. Always; for as it is not sufficient to breath once in our life, just so it is not sufficient to receive forgiveness only once. The chief concerns of every believer on earth is forgiveness in all things and sanctification (living by faith) in all things.
1) Luther, explanation of Galatians 2:17 & 5:19ff.
2) Luther’s Preface to the Epistle of Romans.

Blessed Father in heaven, by Your Word alone, light came forth in the midst of darkness at creation.
Then You spoke again and a greater light entered our sin darkened world in the person of Your only begotten Son.
Oh, how I, and those I love and serve,
need this greater light to shine within all our hearts this day.
As it is a day which You have made,
make also Your Spirit to shine in me and all those who lay upon my heart.
Prepare my heart and mind for the callings You have given me this day,
that Your will may be honored above all and in all.
Give me joy in all that I may do, for in each thing I do,
I do as Your chosen means of being and bringing good to bear in the lives of those around me.
Be King over my thoughts and desires so that they are nothing more or less than Your thoughts and desires.
Where I have been apathetic, slow, and inattentive to Your will for me,
I pray that You would forgive me and increase my dedication and diligence to You and Your will.
In all that my eyes may see, enable me to see only the holy things.
Where I see those things holy that need to be done,
make me holy for the doing of them.
Where I see those things holy that have been done,
make my lips holy for the praising of them.
Where I see things holy that are too great for me,
make my prayers holy for petitioning of them.
Be with each member of my church this day,
and protect them from the devil and his host.
Cleanse their thoughts and desires of all things sinful and wicked.
Let Your Word, recently heard, or heard long ago, be upon their hearts,
and by Your Spirit, increase their faith through that Word.
For those caught in the struggle with temptation,
make clear to them and guide them to the way of escape that You provide.
For those who succumb daily to the same recurring temptations,
work repentance in their hearts and grant them an increase of Your Spirit and grace,
that they may overcome such temptations and live by a more faithful walk in You.
For those suffering in any form,
ease their pain of heart, mind, and body.
For those alone and in despair,
let Your companionship be with them from the day of their Baptism:
fill their hearts and comfort them that they may have the joy of Your attending angels.
Be with all servants of Your Word,
and allow them to be only what You’ve called them to be: servants of Your Word.
Wherever Your Word is heard this day,
let the hearing thereof, work faith, hope, and confidence in the hearts of all who hear it.
These things I ask do not exhaust the list of all that is needed,
nor can they ever exhaust Your ability to answer.
For the sake of Christ, I ask, I pray, and I praise You. Amen.

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