Friday, March 27, 2009


There is an old saying that goes: "It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out, it's the grain of sand in your shoe." Many a man, worried for fear he would not be able to cross a mountain, has had to stop some miles before he crossed the foothills because he had not taken time to clean out his shoes.
That has been the source of failure in many Christian lives. Eager to avoid the big sins, and often being successful at this, your life may outwardly appear as one of good Christian. Seeing such success, we allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of rightness with God. Having forgotten about your often hidden imperfections and sins within – the little pebbles in your shoe - these will surely cause failure, disappointment, disillusionment and frustration in your living the Christian faith.
Daily repentance is the always and only first step of faith in every journey. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Gracious Lord, You reign over all the times and places of our lives.
Hear my confession of the times when I have made Your times, my times.
For all the times in Your house when I have come with less than a faithful heart, forgive me.
For all the times in Your house when I claim to believe and love Jesus, and yet willingly treat other members of Your house without the love of Jesus, forgive me.
For all the times in Your house when I worshipped myself and not You, O Savior and Lord, forgive me.
For all the times in Your house when I was apathetic and inattentive to worship and prayer, forgive me.
For all the times in Your house when I have justified not being a Christian, a member of Your house, forgive me.
For all the times in Your house when I sought to serve my kingdom rather than Your kingdom, forgive me.
For all the times I have neglected Your house to tend to my own, forgive me.
O Lord my God, Lord of Your House the Church,
have mercy upon me and forgive me for the sake Jesus Christ –
the Holy Head of Your house, Your Church. Amen.

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