Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Perils of Hipster Christianity and Why Young Evangelicals Reject Churches That Try To Be Cool -

In the quest of many lazy Christians for some silver bullit that will save them from living their faith for the sake of others in and outside the church, this article reminds us all that there is no such silver bullit.
Here's an excerpt from it and I encourage you to read the whole.

"As a twentysomething, I can say with confidence that when it comes to church, we don't want cool as much as we want real.
If we are interested in Christianity in any sort of serious way, it is not because it's easy or trendy or popular. It's because Jesus Himself is appealing, and what He says rings true. It's because the world we inhabit is uttlerly phony, ephemeral, narcissistic image-obsessed and sex-drenched0-and we want an alternative. It's not because we want more of the same."

The Perils of Hipster Christianity and Why Young Evangelicals Reject Churches That Try To Be Cool -

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