Friday, December 3, 2010

Praying to He who has come, comes now, and it coming again.

Petitions to, and according to, He who has come, comes, and is coming again.

Blessed Jesus, Word of the Eternal Father, convert me.
Teacher of Truth, teach me that I may learn.
Only Prince of Peace, give me Your peace.
Eternal Refuge, receive and secure me.
Good Shepherd, feed my soul and shepherd me.
True Consolation, comfort me.
Pure Patience, wait for me.
True Humility, humble me.
Truly Meek, give me peace in my humiliation.
Blessed Redeemer, save me.
Everlasting Truth, instruct me.
Source of Life, make me to live in You.
Sure Support, strengthen and sustain me.
Just Judge, judge me.
Divine Grace, justify me.
Mediator From On High, reconcile me to Your Father.
True Physician, heal me and make me whole.
Holy Justice, pardon me.
Sovereign King, rule over me and in me.
Sacred Sanctification, make me holy.
Abyss of True Goodness, grant me Your good.
Living Bread from heaven, feed and nourish me.
Oldest Brother of the prodigal and his older brother, welcome me.
Eternal Joy that the world cannot give, make me joyful.
Peace that the world cannot give, make me peaceful.
Holy Help, aid, assist and help me.
Perpetual Protection, defend me.
Sure Hope, fill me with confidence.
Fountain of mercy, refresh me.
Sacrificial Victim, atone for me.
The End of All in Glory, be my end in all things.
Glory of the Father, glorify me in You.
True God, lend me my all.
All in All, possess all of me.
THE Savior, save me and be ever saving me, for I am a sinner in need of Your constant salvation.
Name Above all Names, Jesus Christ. Amen.



  1. You write a lot like Gregor of Narek

  2. Mark, dear brother, thank you for this prayer. Just what I needed this cold and dreary Saturday afternoon. God's peace to you in Jesus! + Herb
