Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nothing is so securing as Your love, Nothing so safe as Your ...

Have mercy Lord,
have mercy and hear my prayer.

Many are the dangers that attend my sinful life in this fallen world,
Many more are my sins that rightly deserve such dangers.
I cannot rightly account one danger,
Neither can I foresee the other aright.
Such is my wretched condition in sin,
Such is the bondage and blindness of sinfulness.

Holy Lord, blessed and loving Lord,
Nothing is so securing as Your love,
Nothing so safe as Your protection,
Nothing so saving as Your mercies,
Nothing so supplying as Your grace.

Yet, what one of these have I not so carelessly neglected,
That You would be justified in denying me any of the others.

You have wooed me in mercy,
Yet I have refused to come.
You graciously invite and call me –
By Your continual preservation,
By Your providential sustenance,
By Your tender corrections,
By Your faithful promises,
And by Your rich works of love and mercy.

Blessed Lord, have mercy,
Have mercy and hear my prayer.

How wonderful are Your compassions toward me,
When I am so ungrateful for Your many blessings,
When I am unmindful of my own miseries,
Even then, You graciously provide for me,
And yet for all this,
I have not yet seriously resolved to worship You,
To serve You in faith.

Such, and so many are my sins,
So great is my unthankfulness,
That I now tremble to appear before You;
And Yet so tender is Your mercy to me,
That You again call me, invite me to Your comfort and consolations in Christ.

Into the wounds of Christ I plunge myself,
Into the wounds of Christ do I cast myself and my sins,
For the healing of my wounded soul,
For the cleansing of my filthy soul,
For the forgiveness of my guilty soul,
For the hiding of myself in Him,
Who even in death is my life, Jesus Christ.

Have mercy, O Lord!
Have mercy and grant me - 
Strength in my weakness,
Support in my feebleness,
Comfort in my grievings,
Protection in my vulnerability,
Peace in my turmoil,
Conviction in my doubts,
Hope in my despair,
Preservation in my losses,
Forgiveness in my guilt,
And life in my dying,
Which is Jesus Christ,
For me and in me.

Yeh, Lord, have mercy,
Have mercy and hear my prayer.

- pmwl 

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