Friday, March 1, 2013

to find that there are too many breaks, too much brokenness ...

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.   Ps 34:18 (ESV)

Who is there who’s heart is not broken?
So there are those who know their heart is broken and those who do not know this.
Those who do not know that their hearts are broken,
constantly experience the brokenness of their hearts.
Yet, blinded by sin's breakage within themselves, they only have eyes to see the brokenness in others,
And seeing their own brokenness only in others, they accuse, blame and attack others for the brokenness they experience in themselves.
They are the children of Adam, saying to the Lord, “It is the broken woman, man, child, friends … you gave me.”

Not so the brokenhearted!
These are they that know their brokenness.
These are they that have tried to fix, to repair, to heal and even to hide their brokenness,
Only to find that there is yet more broken within them,
Only to find that there are too many breaks, too much brokenness,
Only to find that even their ability to fix, to repair, to make whole – was also broken.
These are they that know in the midst of all their brokenness,
what it is to be crushed.
These are they that know their sinfulness, that know and confess themselves to be poor miserable sinners.
These are the broken that the Lord knows and is ever near to.

The Lord, the Lord, He alone can save the brokenhearted,
For He came so near to the broken, as to suffer the brokenness of us all –
In faithfulness broken by betrayal;
In friendship broken by denial;
In truth broken by lies;
In justice broken by politics;
In mercy broken by cruelty;
In holiness broken by sin;
In innocence broken by guilt;
In family broken by forsakenness;
In life broken by death.
Having received us, our brokenness and breakage,
He repairs no heart, He fixes no breach or breakage,
He gives to the brokenhearted a new heart, a clean heart.
Having given a new heart amidst the yet broken in us,
He gives and daily renews a right spirit within us (Ps 51:10).
These are they whom the Lord saves.
The Lord is near to these because they acknowledged their brokenness, acknowledge their sin before the Lord.
The Lord saves such as these because He forgives the iniquity of their sin, the brokenness of their hearts and ways.
The Lord is near to these for they believe and fully accept that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, save the brokenhearted, of whom they are the worst (1 Tm 1:15).

Lord have mercy on those whose hearts are broken, and yet do not know it.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.  Psalms 147:3 (ESV)

- pmwl

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Just shared with my class. We have many that are broken and not know!
